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-- A short animated film produced by myself. I'm currently remaking it from the ground up as it was initially a university project, and the outcome was less than ideal. Updates for this will be showcased as time goes on --

Hellspawn is a short film originally pitched during my BA at Staffordshire University. Despite being praised by the professors and teaching staff at the time I still feel that the final outcome had so much more potential and ended up getting bogged down, due to various different circumstances. I've decided to return to this project now in 2024, I feel that I can achieve a much better outcome with the resources and skills I've earned and learned over the years.

Hellspawn is a short film which explores the interesting fae mythology, focusing mainly on Wales and Ireland. Inspired by trips I would take with my family when I was younger, the story touches on the true and often forgotten history of fae myth, particularly tales of body-swapping mimics who would steal your children away in the night.

The original was, due to the limitations of the course module, much shorter and blunt with its story than I would have wanted. Instead choosing to explore interesting shot composition at the expense of a larger plot line.

In the revival I'm making, I plan to expand on the story of Hellspawn. Exploring more of the dark and horrific lore surrounding these fae creatures, struggles with identity and family, as well as the true horror of the original tale.

--I'm so excited to re-explore this concept and share the interesting folklore I was told growing up with you--


I will be making a new version of this animatic, to be clearer as well as to fit more with the new outline for this short film that I have in mind. I will update on this as I continue to explore this project

-- MY SHOTS --

Due to this being a University project/short film, each person in my team took on one-two shots from the film which they were responsible for fully animating. In the end I took control of two scenes for the project, those being the first scene where you see Joseph running to the cabin and the last scene with the big twist.

I've included both a version with the background as well as a version with the greenscreen to help showcase the animation better. Although I'm really proud of these shots knowing what I know now I definitely feel I could achieve a much higher quality outcome, as I have better understanding of the animation principles now as well as much better presentation skills for things such as lineart and colouring for animation


A character exploration sheet, used to help keep the other animators on the team on model when drawing the main character [Joseph]

He and the mimic children will have sheets like this to help with consistency [The younger sister character won't need it as primarily she is only seen in very specific angles and poses]

An assortment of other character explorations done for this project

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